Legislator Job Description
A Legislator is a member of the lawmaking part of the government. Their role is to make changes to existing laws or pass new laws dependent on their constituent's necessities. Their responsibilities are to serve on boards of trustees that supervise different parts of government strategy, make new policies, budgets and programs, participate in debates and meetings that take place about the new legislation, seek funds for their districts, negotiate with other lawmaking bodies to gain a majority and move the legislation forward, and make public appearances and speeches.
Education you need to become a Legislator
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Legislator
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Bachelor of Science (b.sc.) in Animal Science and Technology
- Bachelor of Business Administration (b.b.a.) in Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Political Science
- Master Degree in Education
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Business Economics
Annual Pay Estimate for Legislator and Other Important Info
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Jobs to start your career in becoming a Legislator
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