Post a Job on Jobtrees to Hire the Talent Your Business Needs
Jobtrees helps employers find better matched applicants while reducing your total cost to hire
A better jobseeker experience is a better hiring experience
We provide jobseekers the information they need to improve the decisions they make in the jobsearch process. This means, you see less unqualified applicants and spend less time sifting through resumes. We actively update candidates on the status of their application so they don't feel ghosted and you can spend more time on hiring.
Take advantage of unique tools to enhance your hiring process
Better informed candidates mean less unqualified resumes
Our pre-evaluation process gives the candidates feedback combining our experience, our database of career data and your specific job requirements to show them how well they potentially fit (or not) with the job, BEFORE they apply. We share specifically where they match well and what they can do to improve. We can share feedback candidly with jobseekers that employers may want to share but can’t. For those that are likely a strong fit, they get the encouragement to apply and those that aren’t, get feedback on what they can do to be ready to apply in the future.

Improve your experience by improving the candidate experience

Contact Jobtrees with employer related questions at
Employers can expect Jobtrees to provide better prepared candidates, facilitate a more seamless candidate/employer experience and all at a lower total cost to hire.
We are a jobseeker focused career site as that’s the most effective approach we see to providing the best experience for the jobseeker and employers. Employers generally know what skills and experience they’re looking for but many jobseekers don’t which leads to a high volume of applications and low rates of interviews and hire. We help employers by guiding the jobseeker on what it takes to match for a job and what they need to gain to improve their match. This means less unqualified applicants and better prepared qualified ones.
There is no cost to open an account or post a job. We take active steps to drive qualified traffic to all job postings especially when they aren’t a natural fit with our normal user traffic. That is provided at no charge. We believe it’s our responsibility to ensure jobseekers see your job postings. We only charge employers when we deliver results. That occurs when potential candidates either 1) complete an evaluation for the job or 2) when they apply for the job. The pricing for each of these actions is below. We do not charge employers for when potential candidates just look at a role (clicks). We do not charge for each day the job is visible. We encourage our users to be curious and believe that employers should only pay for those that are serious about their posted job.
- • Per Evaluation: $0.25
- • Per Application: $9.70
- • Per Click: $0
- • Per Day: $0
- • Total cost for an applicant is less than $10
You only pay for positive results. Applicants and for redirecting interested but unqualified applicants (the eval).
Our pricing beats the cost for results on other sites if you choose to compare.
It’s free to set up and is linked to a standard Jobtrees account. Click on the Employer link in the top navigation menu and select the Start Hiring Now button. This will prompt you to sign into a Jobtrees standard account. Once signed in you’ll be prompted to provide some basic company info and once submitted, your employer account is ready.
If you want to share the account with multiple users, we suggest you create a Jobtrees standard account using a shared email address. The email and password that is linked to your employer account will need to be used by all users to access the employer account (we don’t have separate account logins currently). There is no limit to the number of users that can use this simultaneously but we don’t yet have the ability for multiple emails to be tagged to 1 employer account log-in. You will have the ability to tag unique email addresses to each job posting but the account log-in is a shared account.