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Working: How Jobtrees Users Felt About the Workplace in 2023

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by Jobtrees Team

We polled our users this year across a variety of workplace topics.  These covered themes on pay, job satisfaction, career advancement, job searching, and workplace environment.  Below are the main things we learned and just like our site, we combined the data from our users’ responses with our own career anecdotes to share some tips for 2024.

Key learnings from our 2023 career polls

  •  Pay – Our users were split on their pay meeting expectations for their experience level.  The majority did feel their pay is in line with what their job requires of them.

  • Job satisfaction – In general, people aren't satisfied with their jobs and that hasn't changed in the last 6 months.  The positive, they do find their work meaningful.

  •  Career – People don’t feel like their current job or skill set is helping them achieve their career goals.

  •  Job searching - 2 out of 3 people are open to a new role and 66% of them are actively seeking a new one.

  •  Workplace environment - Overwhelmingly people feel positive about their ability to create work life balance.  They do see negative impacts of work stress on their job performance and personal life.

See the answers to all our career pools here.  Help us provide even better insights by answering our poll each week and encouraging your friends and colleagues to do the same.

Tips for career success in 2024

A few points of advice on how to take the learnings from 2023 and use them to create a more successful 2024.

1. Pay – People feel like pay is in line with work but their skills are underutilized.  Instead of trying to negotiate from a 1% to a 2% raise, focus your effort on finding a job that better utilizes your skills and strengths.  That will likely lead to a more substantial pay bump and greater job satisfaction.

2. Job satisfaction – Find your work meaningful but don’t aren’t satisfied with your job? Take time to find what specific aspect you aren’t satisfied with. The solution may be to change companies, moving managers at your same company or potentially a full career switch.   

3. Career – If you don’t have a plan you are guaranteed not to achieve it.  The start of a new year is a great time to chart out a plan for your career.  Check out our  career path tools to help you. 

4. Job searching – Based on our poll results you are likely at least passively searching for a new job.  We have tools that can help but the main tip is that the number of applications you submit doesn’t necessarily increase your chance of getting the job you want.  In addition to leveraging job boards, make sure to network and be aware of your potential fit with the job you are applying for.  Employers know what they need so make sure you do too (use our eval fit tool to help).

5. Workplace environment – If you don’t feel like you can have work life balance, go find it. From our poll, the majority of people have it in their jobs.  Feeling stressed, you aren’t alone. Be open and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

One last plug to remember to fill out our career poll each week and encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.  We plan to share insights like this quarterly.  Any feedback or questions, don’t be shy. Reach out to