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What It’s Like To Be a Flight Attendant

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by Jobtrees Team
Flight Attendant Career Interview Video

How To Become a Flight Attendant 

Flight Attendant FAQ’s:

Do flight attendants get to travel for free?

Many airlines offer flight attendants and their eligible dependents discounted or free standby travel on their own and partner airlines, allowing them to travel for leisure at reduced or free rates.

What is the most common role to flight attendant? 

The most common career steps to get to Flight Attendant are Showroom Manager, Advertising Manager and Anchor based on actual career paths reported to Jobtrees. While Showroom Manager is the most common, there is no specific role leading to Flight Attendant that is an overwhelmingly common path. This shows there are many potential paths to becoming a Flight Attendant so focusing on translatable skills is likely more important such as customer service skills, communication and problem solving skills. 

What are the different types of flight attendant positions? 

Flight attendants may work on domestic or international flights, on large commercial airlines or smaller regional carriers, and in various roles such as chief flight attendant (or purser), senior flight attendant, or trainer.  

Learn More About What It’s Like to be a Flight Attendant

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