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What is a Skills Based and Hybrid Resume

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by Jobtrees Team

A skills-based resume can be a good option for someone who is changing careers because it focuses on the skills and qualifications that are most relevant to the new career, rather than on work history that may be less relevant. If your previous work experience is not directly related to your new career path, a skills-based resume can help you demonstrate your transferable skills and show how they can be applied in a new context.


Who should consider a skills-based resume: 

A skills-based resume, also known as a functional resume, focuses on highlighting your skills and qualifications instead of your work history. Skills based resumes are ideal for:

  • You are changing careers or the industry in which you work and have little to no experience in the new field.

  • You have large gaps in your work history

  • You have only held short-term jobs or internships rather than extended periods of experience in one position

  • You have little work experience


Steps to writing a skills-based resume:

  • Start with a summary statement: Begin with a brief summary statement that highlights your most relevant skills and experiences. This statement should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and should explain how your skills match the requirements of the position.
  • Organize your skills: Create a section for your skills and organize them into categories such as "technical skills," "management skills," "communication skills," etc. Use bullet points to list your skills, and be sure to include specific examples of how you have used them in the past.
  • Provide supporting evidence: In the bullet points under each skill category, provide examples of how you have used those skills in previous roles. Use quantifiable data whenever possible to demonstrate the impact you had in previous positions.
  • Highlight education and certifications: If you have relevant certifications or degrees, include them in a separate section. Be sure to highlight any coursework or training that is relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Keep it concise: Since skills-based resumes don't include a chronological work history, they can be shorter than traditional resumes. Try to keep your resume to one or two pages and avoid unnecessary details.
  • Customize for each job: Tailor your skills-based resume to the specific job you are applying for. Focus on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position and be sure to use keywords from the job description.

By following these steps, you can create a skills-based resume that highlights your strengths and qualifications and positions you as a strong candidate for the job.


Example skills-based resume: 


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]



Recent college graduate with a [Your Degree] seeking an entry-level position to apply strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills, as well as a passion for [Your Field of Interest].


[Bachelor's Degree] in [Your Major]

[University Name], [City, State]

[Month, Year of Graduation]




  • Strong written and verbal communication skills developed through coursework and presentations.

  • Ability to convey complex ideas clearly and concisely.

  • Effective listening skills to understand and respond to colleagues and clients.


Analytical Skills:

  • Proficient in data analysis using tools such as Excel and statistical software.

  • Developed critical thinking skills through research projects and coursework.

  • Strong problem-solving abilities with a focus on identifying solutions.



  • Collaborated on group projects and assignments, demonstrating the ability to work effectively in diverse teams.

  • Contributed to team success through active participation and cooperation.


Technical Proficiency:

  • Familiarity with [relevant software/tools], including [specific skills within the software/tools].

  • Quick learner, eager to acquire new technical skills as needed for the job.


Research Skills:

  • Conducted independent research projects, demonstrating the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

  • Strong research methodologies, including literature reviews and data collection.



  • Able to adapt to changing environments and learn quickly.

  • Demonstrated flexibility in adjusting to new tasks and responsibilities.


Time Management:

  • Successfully managed coursework, assignments, and part-time job commitments.

  • Punctual and efficient in meeting deadlines.


Customer Service:

  • Provided excellent customer service during [relevant experience, if applicable].

  • Ability to handle customer inquiries and resolve issues in a professional manner.



[Job Title, if applicable]

[Company Name, if applicable]

[City, State, if applicable]

[Month, Year Started] - [Month, Year Ended, or Present]


Briefly describe any relevant part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer experiences you have that demonstrate your skills and abilities.



List any awards, scholarships, or honors received during your college career.

Highlight any notable accomplishments related to your coursework or extracurricular activities.



Available upon request.


Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for and include any additional sections or details that are relevant to your background and the position you're seeking.


Problem with skills based resumes (if you have work experience)

Recruiters and ATS systems search for relevant keywords/ buzz words in your resume to determine if you are a good match for the role in which you are applying for. Skills based resumes do not focus on details of your work experience. If you have work experience, consider creating a hybrid resume that highlights your responsibilities and is both recruiter and applicant tracking system (ATS) friendly.

Who should consider a hybrid based resume? 

A hybrid resume is a mix of a skills based resume and a traditional (reverse chronological order resume). A hybrid resume is perfect if you have sensational work experience and:

  • You are changing careers

  • You have gaps in your work history 


Example hybrid-based resume:

You can build your own hybrid resume online with several free templates:


Use a resume builder to create and optimize your resume:

We compiled a list of resume resources (some free, some paid) to help you build your resume. If you have a resume, you can upload it and start recreating it or you can start building from scratch. The great thing about using an online builder is that it uses AI technology to expedite the process. Hello free nights and weekends NOT building your resume. 


Resume video tips from Recruiter Shawn:


What is ATS? (TikTok)

You Have 15 Seconds to Make an Impression (TikTok)

The First Person to Read Your Resume (Tik Tok)