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What an IT Department Does

Informational Technology
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by Jobtrees Team

Computer and information technology (IT) occupations are on the rise. There are a variety of different roles that create an IT infrastructure. The IT department is essential for all companies large and small with the level of technology integrated into the workplace in every aspect of business and life. There is no escape key for the future growth potential, but what exactly does an IT department do? Let’s spend some time browsing the responsibilities of an IT department.

IT Department Overview

The information technology department in an organization is responsible for handling all the technological issues that arise and enables the company’s employees to communicate, collaborate and perform their role duties. The IT department is responsible not only for technical support an employee may be having, but is also responsible for programming, website updates, hardware, software and networking. Some companies may have a single IT employee while other larger organizations may hire a team of people within the company’s IT sector or IT infrastructure that work together to keep the network and company up and running.

Outlook on IT Careers in the USA

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer and information technology occupations are expected to grow 11 percent between 2019 and 2026. The demand is expected to stem due to the increasing need of cloud computing, information security and data storage. If the job security was not exciting enough, the median annual wages for informational technology occupations was $91,250 in May 2020 which is much higher than the median wages for all other occupations.

IT Department Functions

The IT functions for each role within the IT infrastructure vary by company but include the ability to support a company in the following ways:

  • Technical Support - Provides technical support for the users within the company with computer related issues. The IT department is essential for setting up all technology within the company, installing new software or hardware, repairing problems, and training.
  • Security - Plans, trains and and carries out security measures for a company to protect all of the network and systems.
  • Programming - Evaluation, creation and/or implantation of programs the company uses for its day to day operations.
  • Website Updates - May include website design, code writing, and site testing.
  • Networking - The IT network responsibilities include the installation and repair of network hardware and software programs. Maintains functionality of drives, internet and the whole intranet within the company.
  • Communication - As electronic communication has become a staple within corporate IT, important IT functions are to ensure all systems remain operational such as internet, video and web conferences, email systems, network drives and phone systems, especially within the larger corporate IT sector.

Information Technology related careers, salary, career paths

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External source:

“Occupational Outlook Handbook: Computer and Information Technology”. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (visited May 12th 2021)