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Remote Jobs: Find an Online Job with Little or No Experience

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Traditional Career Paths are No Longer the Only Route to Success


In today's rapidly evolving world, the way we work has undergone a monumental shift. By 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels (source). 

Traditional career paths are no longer the only route to success. (Jobtrees expertise is collecting and showing you real career paths people take to and from roles) The digital age has opened up a world of opportunities, allowing individuals to break free from the constraints of traditional employment and find online jobs that align with their passions and skills. What's more, the beauty of online work lies in its inclusive nature, welcoming those with little or no experience to embark on a transformative journey toward professional and personal growth.

Gone are the days when a lack of experience would be a barrier to entry into the job market. Online platforms and remote work options have democratized employment, creating a level playing field where anyone with dedication, drive, and a willingness to learn can thrive. Whether you're a recent graduate, a stay-at-home parent looking to reenter the workforce, or someone seeking a career change, the online job market offers unprecedented opportunities to unleash your potential.

If you've been doubting your abilities or feeling stuck in a career rut, finding an online job with little or no experience can be a game-changer in your life. From the flexibility of remote work to the boundless learning opportunities and the potential for financial independence, online work can empower you to chart your own course toward success. Read below to get some ideas on how to get started.


Helpful Skills for Online Work


To land an online job, there are several skills that can significantly enhance your chances of success. While the specific skill set required may vary depending on the type of online job you are targeting, having fundamental technical skills is highly valued in the digital workspace. A step beyond, having a basic understanding of programming languages, graphic design software, content management systems, or digital marketing tools can be advantageous. Acquiring these technical skills can make you stand out in a competitive job market. If at the moment this does not sound like you, know that these technical skills can be learned or approved upon with some training in usually a short period of time! We complited a list of websites that offer a mix of paid and free online classes and certificates as well as suggest some below. 


Jobs That You Can Do Remotely With Little to No Experience


Click on any role to see role details and current remote job postings near you. 

  • Virtual assistant: As a virtual assistant, you can provide administrative support to individuals or businesses remotely. This might include tasks like email management, scheduling appointments, and data entry.


  • Freelance writer: If you have good writing skills, you can work as a freelance writer and create content for websites, blogs, and social media. You might write articles, product descriptions, social media posts or scripts for youtube videos. Many online platforms connect writers with clients, making it easy to get started.


  • Online tutor: If you have expertise in a particular subject, you can work as an online tutor and help students with their homework or prepare for exams. You can work for a tutoring company or offer your services independently. You can use your knowledge and skills to help students of all ages with academic subjects. Job postings vary from companies to private parties looking for subject matter experts. 


  • Data entry: Many companies need people to input data into spreadsheets or databases. While it might not be the most exciting job, data entry can be a good way to get started working online.


  • Social media manager: If you're familiar with various social media platforms, you can work as a social media manager and help businesses with their social media presence. This might involve creating content, scheduling posts, and responding to comments and messages.


  • Digital marketing: There are a variety of entry level roles within digital marketing where you will create and assist effective online marketing and advertising campaigns.

Coursera offered trainings: Google Digital Marketing & E Commerce CertificateSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) courses 

Hubspot Academy also offers free training around marketing.


  • Online customer service:  Many companies have customer service representatives who work remotely. This might involve answering emails or responding to customer inquiries via chat. This may not be a role you would want for the rest of your career, it's a great option if you need a job right away as its a very in demand job. 


  • Graphic designer: If you have design skills, you can find freelance work creating logos, graphics, and other visual content for businesses and individuals.


  • Transcriptionist: Many companies need help transcribing audio and video recordings. As a transcriptionist, you can work remotely to convert audio and video content into written documents.


Well Paid Entry Level Tech Jobs That are Well Worth the Training + Suggested Classes

These roles do require a higher level of technical skills but they are well paid at an entry level and have an abundance of job opportunities. There are courses available that you can take online as well as online degrees if necessary. 


  • UX Designer: A User Experience (UX) Designer is responsible for creating and optimizing user-friendly interfaces that facilitate a positive experience when using digital products. This includes designing websites, apps, software, or other interactive experiences. The UX Designer will conduct research to gain insight into user needs and behaviors in order to create designs that meet their goals. 

Coursera offered trainings: Google Foundations of UX Design                                                                                                                                                                        Coursera offered trainings: Google UX Design Professional Certificate        


  • Data analyst: This is a strong entry level position with a lot of demand and it's easy to obtain a certificate online. Data analysts play a crucial role in the interpretation and analysis of data. They utilize various techniques to extract valuable information from textual sources and apply statistical methods for forecasting, classification, and prediction. 

Coursera offered trainings: Google Data Analytics Certificate


  • Software Development: Sometimes called a computer programmer, a programmer, is a person who creates computer software by using programming languages (e.g., Assembly, COBOL, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Lisp, Python). You can get into this field with a degree in computer science or taking certificates or self teaching classes. This is one of the highest paid entry level jobs there is.         

Coursera offered trainings: Intro to Computer Programming (list of courses)


  • Web developer: If you have coding skills, you can find freelance work building and maintaining websites for businesses and individuals.

Coursera offered trainings: Web development courses


  • Quality assurance analyst: Basic coding skills or knowledge is valued in this type of remote role as you will evaluate products, systems, and software to ensure products are free from defects and meet the quality standards of the organization.

Coursera offered trainings: Quality assurance courses


Other Ideas on Online Job With Little or No Experience


Are you or someone you know crafty? Consider starting your own store or selling other people's products on your own online store. With platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay, you can start your own online store and sell products without the need for a physical storefront.

Promote other products. With affiliate marketing, you can earn money by promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale. You can do affiliate marketing on a multitude of platforms like adding links to products or services to your website, blog, or promoting products on YouTube, social media, a podcast. Here are a few articles we found on a basic google search about affiliate marketing (and no, these links are not affiliate links which means we are NOT getting paid for you to click on it. We just thought they could be helpful if you’re considering this option)

Forbes: How to Become an Affiliate Marketer & What you Need to Know Before Jumping In

Ahrefs: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: What it is & How to Succeed 


Check out our collection of industry specific job boards with a very specific industry focus like tech, outdoorts, remote work, freelance, journalism, non profits…..  Scrolling through the list could spark something new.

There are many online jobs you can do with little experience. With a bit of research and a willingness to learn, you can find work that suits your skills and interests and allows you to work remotely.