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Cool Jobs: Superhero Career Inspiration

two civilians or in superhero capes getting ready to go to their day jobs
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by Jobtrees Team


Need career inspiration? 

Are you feeling stuck in your current career? Or maybe you're a recent graduate trying to figure out what path to take next? Whatever your situation may be, it's natural to feel unsure about your career path and to seek out inspiration and guidance.

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you'll make in your life, and it can be overwhelming to navigate all the options out there. But don't worry, you're not alone! Many people find themselves in the same boat, wondering what their next move should be.

Let superhero alter egos inspire you!

Have you ever asked or been asked what superpower you would have if you could have one? Would you be invisible? Would you fly? There are so many options. Have you ever considered what superhero you would want to be? I’ve played these games as a kid and I see kids all around me play this game every day still. I’ve had some great conversations as an adult during parties and road trips discussing what our ideal superpower choices are. 

What would your superhero alter ego be? What job would a superhero have? Superheroes are inspiring not only because of their superpowers and their fight for good over evil, they have cool jobs. Perhaps it’s their powers that make them cool, or perhaps it's that many of them are just like us, with superhero alter ego cool jobs. Have you ever wondered “which career should I go into?” or “what are the most inspiring jobs or inspiring careers?”  Have you thought that perhaps superheroes have the answers with most inspiring jobs? 

We are obsessed with superheroes so it only makes sense to get some career inspiration from them! If you have ever wondered “what job would a superhero have?”, let’s take a look at some of the superhero alter egos and their inspiring careers, or cool jobs. Some superheroes have had several jobs over the years as their stories have been told and retold over time. 

Getting ideas for careers or roles doesn't have to be so serious all the time. If you are asking yourself “which career should I go into?”, have some fun and get career inspiration from our list of heroes below! We didn't list all of the amazing superheroes out there but we encourage you to think about what the civilian jobs should be of any superhero not listed. Have some fun! 

We have linked the cool jobs our superhero alter egos have held so that you can learn more about the roles.  Click on the cool job link to learn more about the role on  You can explore role details, see pathways others took to get to and from those roles as well as find current job postings for those roles. Creating an account on is free and encouraged so that you can save roles and their jobtrees (career pathways). 


Cool jobs inspired by superhero alter egos: helps you discover the right jobs and how to get there. If you are looking for career inspiration, try finding a new role on We have interactive and picture focused approaches because searching for a job shouldn’t be boring.