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10 Common Interview Questions and Tips on How to Answer Them

Business professional facing a crowd of of other professionals feeling prepared to answer interview questions
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by Jobtrees Team

How to prepare for interview questions

If you are seeing success from your network and job board applications, then you likely will find yourself needing to prepare for your interviews. You can make the process a whole lot easier if you spend 30 minutes or so prepping. 

  • Have a solid understanding of the job description and details in your resume

    • Why? You need to highlight your key contributions and skills in your interview answers that will help you succeed in the role you are interviewing for. 

    • How? Study the job description responsibilities line by line and ask yourself: what have I done that I can talk about that shows I could handle this new task successfully? This resume & job description dissection session/prep work will make answering the following questions a breeze and prepare you for any role related question that may come your way. 

  • Research the company

    • Why? Researching the company helps eliminate unpleasant surprises. It also helps you understand what the company is working on and looking for which will help you align your answers. 

    • How?  Here is a list of sites that can help you with your company research. You should be able to answer: What is the culture like at this company? What are its key values? What have others said about the company and are there any interview questions they tend to use? 

Company research as well as having a set of questions that you have studied and practiced beforehand will also help you sound and feel more confident. Grab your notes from your resume and job description study session and dive in! You got this. 


How to answer 10 common interview questions

Tell me about yourself.

This is an open-ended question where you can share your professional and personal background. We recommend you keep it professional rather than personal and don't go over 2 minutes. Start by giving a brief career story of why/how you ended up working in your current role or if you recently graduated, why you chose the career path you did. Next highlighting some relevant key skills you learned and experiences that compliments the new role you are applying for. End with explaining why you wanted to apply for this job. 

What are your greatest strengths?

Choose strengths that are relevant to the position and provide a few specific examples to support your answer. For example, if you are applying for a leadership role, you could highlight your ability to motivate and lead teams. Provide an example of a time when you motivated or lead a team. Describe what the outcome or impact made was. In preparation, choose 2-3 skills and pull out a few examples from your past experiences. Choose skills relevant to the new job. Check out 10 of the most employable skills employers are looking for if you need ideas.

What are your weaknesses?

Choose a weakness that you have or have worked to improve, and discuss the steps you took to address it. Did you take or are you taking any training, professional development? Examples: Inexperience with a software program or skill, taking on too much responsibility, public speaking issues, trouble asking for help, perfectionist or letting go of projects.  Show that you are self-aware and committed to personal and professional development.

Why do you want to work here?

Do your research on the company and discuss why you are excited about their mission, values, or recent projects. Highlight specific aspects of the company that appeal to you, such as their culture or reputation. How does this company align with your passion or goals? 

What experience do you have in this field?

Highlight your relevant experience and discuss how it has prepared you for this position. Be sure to provide specific examples of projects or tasks you have completed that showcase your skills and knowledge. 

What motivates you in your work?

Think about what drives you to succeed and achieve your goals. This could be a desire for personal growth, helping others, or making a positive impact on the world. Provide specific examples to illustrate your motivation.

How do you handle stress and pressure?

Discuss how you manage stress in the workplace and give specific examples of times when you had to handle a high-pressure situation. Highlight your ability to stay calm and focused, and discuss any strategies you use to cope with stress.

How do you handle conflict with colleagues or clients?

Describe a time when you had to deal with conflict, and discuss how you resolved the situation. Highlight your ability to communicate effectively and work collaboratively to find solutions.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Discuss your career goals and how this position fits into your long-term plan. Be specific and demonstrate that you have thought about your future career path. You can see the career paths real people are taking here

Do you have any questions for us? (Follow up questions)

Yes, yes you do. This is a chance to show your interest and curiosity about the position and the company. Ask about specific projects or initiatives, company culture, or opportunities for growth and development. Show that you have done your research and are eager to learn more. See why and how you should interview the interviewer  and check out or subscribe to our other articles here


Preparing for an interview takes some time. It is really important to not only review your resume and job descriptions to prep your answers, but practice answering interview questions and answers out loud. Once you draft out a set of answers, it's fairly easy to modify and practice your questions for the next interview.

Most people will mess up the first time or two that they answer questions. You definitely do not want your first time saying the answers out loud to be during your interview. Your personality and confidence will show in your interview as well as your genuine interest in the role or company. Spend a little time practicing with another person. You got this.