Senior Research Associate Job Description

The role of a senior research associate is to organize and conduct research in scientific, creative, or artistic fields for work in a project of sponsoring institutions. Responsibilities of a senior research associate include assisting faculty researchers in the planning and designing of research projects and develop plans for the project. They also perform data collection, processing, and analysis and organizing that to prepare reports of completed projects, and providing statistical and analytical support.
Steps to take to start your career as a Senior Research Associate and other jobs like it
- In order to land a role doing research you need to start with a base level of knowledge in a field which usually means a minimum of a bachelor’s degree but often more advanced degrees as well. Enroll in courses related to the field you are interested in as research positions span a number of fields like biology, psychology, sociology, economics etc. Take complementary courses that teach research methodologies, statistics, and data analysis to develop your research skills which apply no matter the field you want to specialize in.
- Through the process of obtaining the various degrees needed, you should also apply for internships in research labs or organizations related to your field of interest. Volunteer for research projects or studies to gain hands-on experience. Look for part-time jobs that offer exposure to research activities. This will help your ability to be accepted to advanced degree programs and land future research positions.
- Participate in academic conferences and workshops to meet professionals in your field. Join academic or professional societies related to your area of interest. Develop relationships with your professors and express your interest in research opportunities. The people you meet and interact with during your education often are your best pathways to future research employment positions
- Submit applications to multiple institutions and research labs. Highlight your academic achievements, relevant coursework, and any research experience.
How to Start in Ecology
You don't necessarily need a college degree, it might help,but you really just have to find a job where you can get some field experience under your belt and then work up within the company. Probably the easiest way to do it.
How I Became a Research Assistant
Personally, I got a college degree at Eckerd College, which is a local school in Florida, and I gained some research experience studying black skimmers, which is a kind of bird there.
One seasonal tech job in Oregon, where I was listening for birds and doing other research, like population surveys, and then I applied for this internship and worked my way up to the research assistant level.
Research Assistant Requirements
This position really requires that you're detail oriented for things like data entry, but also able to be super outdoorsy or pay attention to little behavioral issues and kind of be okay with waking up at sunrise and whacking through all of that mess that’s really fun, stuff like that. So it really requires that you wear a lof of different hats. I love it.
Average Day
Currently what my average week looks like is waking up at sunrise, coming to the office, going out in our ATVs into this shrub. And then going to the three territories of different Florida scrub jays, which is the species that I study, and trying to find their nests. Continue monitoring the nests that we do find throughout the year and just generally collecting demography information on them, and it is super fun.
Pros and Cons of a Field Research Assistant
Some of the pros of this job are that I get to spend all of my mornings in nature, which is beautiful and awesome, and I get to learn so much about the ecosystem that I'm in.
And I also just love the people that I work with. I love the community here at the biological station. Some of the cons are that when you're having a rough morning in the field, you'll really just kind of wish you had an office job. So it's definitely not all peaches and roses being in nature every day.
Advice From an Expert
I would just recommend getting field experience early on, looking for those seasonal tech jobs and a lot of local places that do bird banding. You can reach out to them, and they're always accepting volunteers. That's a great experience to get.
Things to Know
Looking back, I do wish I had known how exhausting the job can be, because it's fun and the highs are so high, but the lows can be low and frustrating. But at the end of the day, I love my job and I love what I do, so it makes it all worth it.
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Education you need to become a Senior Research Associate
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Senior Research Associate
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Bachelor of Science ( in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science ( in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science ( in Biology, General
- Master of Science ( in Chemistry
Annual Pay Estimate for Senior Research Associate and Other Important Info
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