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california department of education
elementary school teacher
paso robles,ca,93446
5 days ago

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Job Description

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* Work with school and church leadership, and other staff to implement the mission of the school and create a Christ-centered community of learners; * Prepare and grade coursework and assignments, manage classrooms and implement school procedures; * Work with school leaders and administrators to initiate policies, stay current with schoolwide learning goals and standards, follow and implement school scope and sequence in all subjects, and other curriculum-development materials, including textbooks, in accordance with school and national standards; * Meet one-on-one with students to improve performance and address behavioral issues that may arise; * Communicate with parents and guardians regarding student progress and needs, including facilitating conferences; * Model and reinforce positive social behaviors such as hanging up coats, talking respectfully with others, sharing, and cleaning up after themselves. Requirements / Qualifications Requirements / Qualifications

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